The 112th RCKC Colloquium "New Perspectives in Social Data Management"

Title "New Perspectives in Social Data Management"
Speaker Sihem Amer-Yahia (Directrice de Recherche Première Classe (DR1) at Centre National de Recherche scientifique (CNRS) Hosted at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG) )
Date Tuesday, May 20th, 2014. 13:30-14:30
Location Meeting Room for Joint Research 1 on the 3rd floor of ULIS bldg. in Kasuga Area 
Abstract The web has evolved from a technology platform to a social milieu where factual, opinion and behavior data interleave. A number of social applications are being built to analyze and extract value from this data, encouraging us to adopt a data-driven approach to research. I will describe a perspective on why and how social data management is fundamentally different from data management as it is taught in school today. More specifically, I'll talk about data preparation, data exploration and crowd-sourced validation. This talk is based on published and ongoing work with colleagues at LIG, UT Austin, U. of Trento, U. of Tacoma, and Google Research.
Participation The seminar will be presented in English. No charge to participate and no reservation is needed.
