Summer International Colloquium (Dr. Ryan Shaw and Dr. Robert Allen)

Title 1. Using Linked Library Data in Working Research Notes, 2. Model-Oriented Information Organization
Speaker 1. Dr. Ryan Shaw, 2. Dr. Robert Allen (1. Assistant Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 2. Visiting Scholar, Research Center for Knowledge Communities, University of Tsukuba)
Date Wednesday, August 7th, 2013. 12:30~14:00
Location Meeting Room for Joint Research 1 on the 3rd floor of ULIS bldg. in Kasuga Area 
Abstract 1. I will describe how we are experimenting with using linked library data to connect the organizational infrastructures of libraries, archives, and special collections with those of researchers who use them. The site of this experimentation is, an open-source hosted service for organizing the library and archives-based research of documentary editors. I will report on an initial trial of incorporating linked data from libraries and other sources into Editors’ Notes, and describe how that trial has informed our current effort to usefully exploit linked data to benefit researchers.
2. With large amounts of full text and other types of rich content now readily available on the web, we propose that the field of information organization should consider how that rich content itself can be organized beyond descriptions of the documents which contain it. Indeed, a focus on rich content, rather than on documents, suggests a new generation of digital libraries and we present user interfaces which illustrate the potential for interaction with such digital libraries. We also describe a broad approach to organizing those digital libraries. Our approach draws on work from software engineering, from cognitive science, and from linguistics. We show how scientific research reports such as those from the full-text open access journals from the Public Library of Science (PLoS) might be structured. We also describe how cultural materials such as the content of large collections OCR’d historical newspapers could be modeled. In both cases, the basis of our approach is conceptual modeling of threads of causally related events; thus, we term the approach Model-Oriented Information Organization.
Participation The seminar will be presented in English. No charge to participate and no reservation is needed.
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