The 140th RCKC Colloquium "Information / Library Sciences and Digital Humanities - Cooperation Scenarios in the Age of digital Transformation" by Heike Neuroth

Title The 140th RCKC Colloquium "Information / Library Sciences and Digital Humanities - Cooperation Scenarios in the Age of digital Transformation"
Speaker Heike Neuroth (Senior Professor (W3) , University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam)
Date Tuesday February 21st, 2017, 13:45-15:00
Location Meeting Room for Joint Research 1 on the 3rd floor of ULIS bldg. in Kasuga Area
Abstract In times of increasing digitalisation and empiricization of science and society new cooperation scenarios are emerging, particularly in the field of digital working humanities. While the information specialists have always worked with large amounts of data - we are only thinking of the metadata-based descriptions of millions of objects such as books, etc. - numerous scholarly disciplines such as literary sciences or archeology, art history, etc. are increasingly being enhanced by digital methods and scientific procedures. Thus the literary sciences are now able to investigate large quantities of digital full texts according to predefined criteria and to analyze them by means of specific algorithms. While a "normal" person in his or her life is able to read up to 3,000 books in his life, literary scientists can use quantitative methods to explore a much larger corpus. The basis for this is the increasing digitalization, i.e. objects such as books, sculptures, artefacts, etc., are available in digital form and could be viewed, annotated and further processed by any researcher worldwide at any time. However, this requires a professional description and appropriate retrieval mechanism to find as well as re-use relevant digital objects for own research questions. Only "structured" and standardized described digital objects build the basis for further research processes. This is where the information and library sciences play an important role, as they have a long tradition as preserver and curator of the cultural and scientific heritage. The contribution examines the national and international state-of-the-art at the interface between digital humanities and information sciences and highlights some potential cooperation scenarios between digital humanists and information experts in times of transformation processes from analogue to digital objects.
Participation The seminar will be presented in German (with a Japanese transrator ) . No charge to participate and no reservation is needed. Participation in the discussion is optional.


The 140th Colloquium poster

Since April 2015 Heike Neuroth is Senior Professor (W3) at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam and is responsible for the study course Library Science at the faculty of Information Sciences. Her research interests are digital humanities, and research data (management).

Heike Neuroth holds a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences as well as a MA in Library Science and worked at the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) in Germany as an information scientist from 1997 until 2015, where she heads the Research and Development Department. In this time she also was partly employed at the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) of the Max Planck Society. She has been involved in developing virtual research environments since the start of the project TextGrid ( in 2005 and in developing digital research infrastructures since the beginning of DARIAH ( in 2008. She is leading several projects dedicated to digital humanities and research data (management) and is a member of several national and international experts groups. Since many years she is not only teaching at the University of Würzburg in digital humanities but also at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences in information science.